Myamnic solutions are Mobile Optimized. We do believe in reaching customer at a quicker rate is very beneficial. Myamnic is specialized in optimizing, Collecting, organizing, disseminating and analyzying relevant industry data and/or trends in real time.
Myamnic technical team has sheer programming and analytical skills and well versed in providing enterprise solutions to any kind of business. Articulating and discussing complex industry–specific issues and challenges within Market; clearly understanding unwritten market trends and assesses direct and indirect impact on Market and using that understanding to formulate strategies to exploit opportunities.
Defyning principles, patterns, and practices of writing clean code and researching several case studies to increasing complexity. A knowledge base that describes the way we think when we write, read, and clean code
All Myamnic solutions can be customized as per the customers expectations. Identifying critical issues at local, provincial, national and international levels for the industry and provides solutions on how to address them.
Mymanic core competency is knowledge of major industry segments, and predicting future strategic directions. Understanding the development of industry segments, trends and emerging issues.
Myamnic competencies and specific technical expertise includes: Client Focus, Communication, Conceptual and analytical ability, Initiative, Results Orientation, Self-knowing and self-development and Team work
Myamnic believes in extensive ground work reasearch before delivering a product. Gathering, documenting and keeping track of market trends leads to perfect product. We do agree that minimal pivot can take place due to change in market or business strategies.
Myamnic provides Predictive, Descriptive, decision and Scoring models by utilizing/creating AI Techology.
Myamnic is versed in development of application that are seemlessly operational and responsive with irrespective of the usage count of application on wide range.
Myamnic is specialized in providing variety of statistical techniques that analyze current and historical facts to make prediction patterns to asses risk, guiding the decision-making in marketing/manufacturing and fake/fraud detection.
Myamnic provides compressed data management solutions mainly for Hierarchical, Network, Relational, Object-oriented, Graph, ER model and Document databases but not limited too.
Providing technology solutions in the sense of action and growth for commercial or industrial enterprise and in creation of wealth, creativity and resourcefulness and exploiting change.
Myamnic utilizes vide variety of algorithms to perform image processing on digital images. Helping in detection of fake news, data management and in defying the affine transformations.
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